© 2021 Sayl - Infinity Mobile

Delayed sending into your POS

Orders done several days upfront can be sent into your cash register on the day of pickup / delivery.

Adjust the time of sending of orders in your system

On time
Receive your orders on time. When one of your customers orders the day before, their order is only displayed in your cash register the moment you have to prepare it.
When you want
You can define when you will receive your takeaway, delivery or in-resto orders. 30 minutes, 1 hour before, you decide.
No costly mistakes
When your personnel is not paying attention and your current system is not supporting delayed sending, it happens that your kitchen is preparing the order at the same date of the order. The result is food that you can throw in the bin... with delayed sending your personnel is not making costly mistakes.

Discover our other powerful features

Anyone can create a webshop, but does your existing webshop has the capabilities to maximize its revenue?

Start today with Sayl Resto!

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