© 2021 Sayl - Infinity Mobile

Personalise the menu card of your customers

Use our AI capabilities to make smart recommendations to your customer based on their order history or what other customers have ordered.

Personal product recommendations
 based on AI

A premium feature via Sayl Customer Cloud
Recommend similar products
As a Sayl Resto user you can manually configure upsells and smart combinations, or enable the AI module and have data analyzed based on customer purchases and then offer it to customers.
Collect new insights
The product recommender engine can provide you with new insights into the buying behavior of your customers.
Control your customer behavior and sell more
Put data to work: especially at larger restaurant chains, what customers order in reality can differ from what is assumed. Our AI algorithms are based on the facts and can present the visitors of your online channel the best combinations that will also bring you more money at the end of the day.

Start today with Sayl Resto!

We love to give you a personal demo. We always respond within the same day.