© 2021 Sayl - Infinity Mobile

Sayl Resto - Required Account Data

Please fill in all the information requested on this form, so we can set up your account as complete as possible.
Business name
VAT number (KvK / BCE)
Your firstname
Your lastname
Your phone number
Your email address (for administrative, invoices, ...)
Public email address of the restaurant
Phone number of the restaurant
Bank account holder name (business account)
Your IBAN bank account nr
BIC code
Address street
Address housenr
Address postal code
Address city

If you would like to receive online payments and you like to profit from our better payment conditions, please know we will send you a link to complete the payments setup:

  • upload your identity card (picture of your id card)
  • upload a proof that you are owner of the IBAN Bank account (via account statement)
Payment methods
Debet cards
Onboarding procedure will be longer for credit cards
UBO information

This information only must be filled if you do your payments via Sayl. The UBO is required by the payment processor to know who are the beneficial owners of the business holding the mentioned bank account.
In the below textbox, please fill in the names of ALL the persons holding more than 25%, with their personal email address (no company email address). Note that these persons will not be emailed, this is solely required to obey to the financial regulations and get the application for online payments approved.

UBO holders (name - email address - % ownership)
All data is treated confidentially in line with GDPR regulation.
What clients say